When you think of winter gear for activities like snowboarding, what comes to mind? For many people, gloves are the go-to choice. After all, they keep your hands warm and give you the dexterity you need to grip your snowboard. But what if we told you that mittens are actually a better choice for snowboarding? Here’s why:

They Keep Your Hands Warmer
One of the most important things when you’re out in the cold is to keep your extremities warm. That’s why mittens are such a good choice for snowboarding—because they actually do a better job of trapping heat than gloves. That’s because your fingers are able to share their body heat when they’re all in one compartment, as opposed to each finger having its own compartment like in gloves.

They Provide Better Grip
You might think that the dexterity provided by gloves would give you better grip on your snowboard, but that’s not necessarily the case. Mittens actually provide much more surface area in contact with the board. That extra contact gives you better control and stability on your board. In fact, many professional snowboarders actually prefer mittens for this very reason.

They’re More Stylish
Not everyone cares about fashion when they’re hitting the slopes, but if you do, then mittens have another advantage over gloves—they look way cooler. Of course, this is purely subjective, but we think mittens just have more personality than gloves. Plus, there are lots of trendy and stylish mittens on the market these days, so you can definitely find a pair that suits your taste.

If you’re still on the fence about whether to choose mittens or gloves for snowboarding, we hope this article has helped sway you in favor of mittens. They really are the better choice when it comes to warmth, grip, and style. So next time you hit the slopes, make sure you’re doing it in a pair of super stylish mittens!

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